vom Foto (session) zum Kunstwerk
Bodypainting - Gemälde - Multimedia

Copyright: Photos: Kurt Röhrken
Bodypainting, Programming & Music: Christine Dumbsky

Die Verbindung von mehereren Kunstrichtungen zu einem Projekt.
Bodypainting, Bodypaint auch Bodyart zum Gemäldeprojekt und hernach zum Multimedia-Konzept.

The main concern for this kind of mash-up artist Christine Dumbsky it was to combine different art styles and intensify in a teamwork between Muse / model, and thereafter allowing the viewer to participate in the process to a permit to improve access to countries origin of a work.


The viewer should empathize, understand and participate in the work by his comments in the social networks and thus trigger a development the artist. The interaction between viewer and artist are of essential importance to the future with an old medium - to consist of painting and to transform them.

Oscar Wilde already said, one can understand a work of art really when it caught in the making. has a motto of today validity and particularly achieved through the interaction with the viewer on a new dimension.

The artist has now specializes in a certain way it is conveyed through your versatile Live painting (Bodypainting, Cartattoo, Autbemalung with wiederentfernbaren colors, painting on products, Airbrush for audience, airbrush tattoos, street art, multimedia, video, social art, painting in any form for advertising purposes), in which a customer is committed to first his own product image enhancing and press- and audience appeal as well as sustainably to put it in scene.


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